My 2022 Q1 progress update

Lots of stuff changed since my last monthly update. I can't wait to share all of that with you!

Here are my highlights from the first quarter of 2022:

  • I changed my target audience to webinar marketers
  • I interviewed 15 webinar creators about their process
  • I launched the webinar marketing platform Glow 🚀
  • I built a daily podcast from Reddit posts and shared it in my first ever Youtube video
  • I published 2 new posts on, and got another 8 subscribers
  • I decided to sunset the blog

I changed my target audience to webinar marketers

After 4 months of searching for an interesting problem to solve for Early stage SaaS founders, I decided to change my target audience.

I felt like time was running out, and I wanted to shortcut my way into finding an interesting problem to solve.

"Webinar marketing" is a problem I have experienced first hand at my previous startup, Sorted.

After doing some thinking, I felt like a good fit for me to solve this problem:

  • It has a well known market and users with a budget
  • I am passionate about building marketing tools for SaaS companies
  • Solving it plays to my strengths.

More on that in my post why I decided to change my target audience.

I interviewed 15 webinar creators

After I decided to change my target audience, I wanted to make sure that the problem I am solving is not just my problem.

To recruit interviewees, I posted on LinkedIn and in the "Startup for Startup" founders community (Facebook Group). I asked "Are there any people who organize webinars as part of their work? I am validating a product and would love some feedback".

I offered a $25 gift card voucher. I was positively surprised. 15 people reached out. Most of them didn't even know about the voucher.

I scheduled a 30-mins call with all of them. I asked them about their process of organizing webinars and their painful moments in the process.

I will share more on the interview process and what I learned in another post later this month, so stay tuned 😉

I launched the webinar marketing platform Glow 🚀

Armed with the insights from interviewing 15 webinar organizers I had an hypothesis for a product offering and I wanted to try and sell it.

From my experience, a good looking landing page really helps in showing prospect customers that I am serious about this product.

I went on to build the landing page. I already built many landing pages with Webflow, so it was a no-brainer for me to use it again.

I picked a Webflow template and started designing the landing page. The template also came with a Figma file, which I used to create the product illustrations.

4 working days later, it was ready. I named the product Glow and launched it on Exciting! 🥳

I will share more on how I used Webflow and Figma to create a landing page in a separate post, so stay tuned.

If you know anyone that organizes webinars at work, feel free to send him or her my way 😉

I built a daily podcast from Reddit posts and shared it in my first ever Youtube video

Before I decide to focus on webinar marketing, I decided to take a fun side project and try out some new technologies.

With two kids at home (now 3 😉), I spend a lot of my time doing chores. So I thought, why not use the time to listen to Reddit posts while I am cooking and doing the dishes?

I had fun building a daily podcast from Reddit posts using platforms like Google Text-to-speech, Transistor and Render.  

I used the opportunity to see what it takes to create a Youtube video. It took me 1-2 working days, and eventually I created my first ever youtube video explaining the development process.

More on that in my post on how I built a daily podcast from Reddit posts.

I published 2 new posts on, and got another 8 subscribers

My goal is to publish a post every week or two. In the last 3 months, I was busy and kept postponing writing. I published two new posts:

The lack of activity showed up in the results. I only gained 8 new subscribers in 3 months, now 24 subscribers to my blog in total.

I decided to sunset the blog was a blog I started for sharing how other SaaS founders acquired their first users. I created it for two reasons:

  1. I wanted to talk to other founders. Interviewing them about how they got their first users was a great excuse.
  2. I wanted to help starting founders by sharing these stories. I felt like these stories could have really helped me a lot when I got started.

As I learned more about existing founder communities, for example Indie Hackers, it felt like everyone was interviewing other founders about how they got their first users, so I was far from being unique.

I also realized it takes a ton of time to create a good story from an interview, and I found myself constantly postponing sitting down and writing up the story.

So I decided to focus my energies elsewhere and sunset The domain is now for sale 😉